Three laws of scientific fat reduction

1, law of conservation of mass

In chemical reactions, mass can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only be transformed from one material form to another. The coming and going of fat is no exception. The basic criterion for identifying the authenticity of all weight loss methods is that fat will come and go. Any scientific way to lose weight should be able to clearly explain where the fat comes from and where it goes after losing it.

2. Basic metabolic principle

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) refers to the number of calories consumed by a person at the minimum required to maintain life under static conditions. Basal metabolism is one of the most calories consumed by the human body without exercise, accounting for about 65-70% of the total calorie consumption in a day, so it will greatly affect the speed of losing weight.

3, the principle of heat balance

Heat is the effect of diet and exercise on body weight from a thermodynamic point of view, and the result of body obesity is determined by the intake and consumption of heat. When "intake = consumption", the weight remains stable; When "intake > consumption", the weight will rise; When "intake"