What is the smallest bone in the human body? Where is it located?

? The human body is supported by bones. Bones consist of long, short, flat, round, big and small bones. Do you know that?/You know what? Do you know that?/You know what? The smallest bone in the human body is the stapes.

Spring breeze is passing, it rains in summer, Qiu Chan chirps, snow rustles in winter, lovers whisper, relatives exhort, and even the "noise" of cars coming and going ... without these voices, our life would not be perfect.

So, who gave us the voice?

You will say, this is an ear! Yes, it's an ear. But if I tell you that the smallest bone is hidden in your ear, if it disappears, your ear will be useless. You may not believe it!

Today we will talk about the smallest bone in the human body-the stapes.

The stapes is only 2.6-3.4 mm long and weighs only 2-4.3 mg. Its main function is to convert sound waves into audible sound. Their function is to transmit the vibration in the air to the liquid in the inner ear. They are not only the smallest bones in the human body, but also the only bones that will not be remodeled after 1 year. ?

The stapes are so small that they can only be seen clearly under a microscope. But it plays an important role in our auditory physiology, so we should pay attention to protecting it. If any one of the three ossicles is diseased, or the incus joint is destroyed, it will cause sound conduction disorder, and in severe cases it will cause conductive deafness.


Otitis media, especially acute otitis media, is most likely to damage the stapes. If the treatment is not timely and thorough, it will become chronic, which will lead to perforation of tympanic membrane over time, and then the ossicles will be involved, attach to the inner wall of the middle ear, fix the stapes, and the incus will lose their mobility, resulting in severe hearing loss. Therefore, attention should be paid to the health care of ears and hearing to prevent otitis media. Usually be careful not to pick your ears at will. When swimming, the water in your ears should be discharged in time.

Because the ear communicates with the pharynx through the eustachian tube, it is necessary to prevent pharyngitis and rhinitis. In addition, it is also important to exercise, improve immunity and prevent colds.