Is orlistat, a recognized weight-loss drug, really effective in losing weight? What's special about it?

Diet pills are no strangers to experienced friends who want to lose weight. There are diet pills in the possible "detours" to lose weight, which are almost useless. What really motivates you to lose weight is calorie intake and calorie consumption.

However, there are also some products that are recognized as helping to lose weight. In other words, the product that can really be called a diet pill is there, which is the orlistat we are going to talk about today.

It's real medicine and over-the-counter medicine, which can be bought in major pharmacies. It can be said that it is a legal diet pill. For a brief introduction of the role of orlistat, you can see the following figure:

Strictly speaking, compared with other diet pills, orlistat is recognized for its safety and effectiveness. But is this diet pill really recommended? What's special about it? I believe you will have an answer after reading this article.

From the introduction of the above picture, the main function of orlistat is: it can help our body to inhibit the utilization and absorption of fat, help fat to be eliminated from the body, and thus achieve the effect of losing weight.

Orlistat has this effect for the simple reason that it is a lipase inhibitor. When you ingest it, it will combine with the lipase in your body, making it ineffective and preventing enough lipase from digesting and absorbing fat in your stomach.

You know, when the human body digests and absorbs fat, it needs the action of lipase in the intestine. If lipase loses its function, it can't consume fat. Naturally, if the fat in the food you eat is not digested and absorbed, it will be excreted with the feces.

It's actually quite simple. Orlistat is effective in losing weight. When you eat the same amount of food, using orlistat can obviously reduce the absorption of fat in food and exclude it from the body, which naturally means less calories, reaching the calorie gap and achieving the effect of losing weight.

It can be seen that the root cause of weight loss is still inseparable from calorie intake and calorie consumption. When your body consumes more calories than you absorb, you will lose weight, and orlistat does not directly reduce your body fat, but only reduces the fat absorption in the food you eat, thus reducing the calorie intake. You should understand this concept!

So if you don't have any high-fat diet in your daily diet, such as fried food, fat meat and so on. Then using orlistat may not be very effective, and it is not common to eat high-fat foods during weight loss.

In addition, if you think it reduces the absorption of fat and eats a lot of high-fat foods, then it will not help you much, and even have some negative effects, which we will talk about next.

Overall weight loss still depends on your overall diet and consumption!

However, if you want to take orlistat and think that money can't be wasted, it will give you greater motivation to lose weight, so as to exercise and control your diet, which is also one of its functions and beneficial to lose weight.

The most common negative effect is that the ingested fat can't be digested and absorbed, and it will naturally be excluded from the body, which will lead to diarrhea, bloating and even incontinence, especially the "anal oil leakage" accompanied by greasy defecation.

It is said that it is best to have adult diapers the next day after using orlistat, otherwise embarrassing things will happen.

In addition, if it is used for a long time, the fat in food cannot be digested and absorbed, which may lead to the lack of some fat-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin E.

Generally speaking, if you are not heavy, it is not recommended to use orlistat. It is recommended that overweight or obese people with a body mass index (BMI) of 24 use this slimming drug.

In addition, it is best to keep low fat intake when using orlistat, which can avoid diarrhea. Excessive fat intake will aggravate diarrhea.

In addition, although orlistat is an over-the-counter drug, it should follow the advice of pharmacists when using it.

Generally speaking, whether this medicine is recommended or not is still effective. I believe you should have the answer, but it is not recommended. In addition, the price of this medicine is not low, and it will have certain side effects. The principle is to reduce the absorption of fat in food Reasonable diet control can reduce weight. Just eat less high-fat food properly, and don't bother.

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