Qujing body manager certificate application requirements

If you are passionate about weight control management, health education, health consultation and other fields, or want to participate more deeply in sports and health systems, schools, clinics, community fitness guidance stations, and fitness industry, then Qujing's body manager certificate is definitely your best choice! This article will introduce the requirements for you to apply for the certificate of Qujing Physical Manager.

basic requirement

Regardless of primary, intermediate and advanced certificates, 18 years old is the basic requirement.

Primary certificate

If you want to take the junior certificate, you can take this step bravely as long as you have a junior high school education or above!

Intermediate certificate

If your goal is an intermediate level, then a high school education or above and two years of work experience are essential.

Advanced certificate

As for the advanced certificate, you need college degree or above and 4 years working experience.

market demand

China's body shape control management market is undergoing a major transformation, from simple dieting to aerobic exercise and complete fitness, and now to "body shape control management, seeking health from the inside", which is developing at an unprecedented speed. This also means that the talent demand of body control managers is increasing sharply!