What exercise can I do in the gym to reduce my thighs?

If you want to stovepipe, you can use the treadmill. Treadmill is a very effective exercise. Running at a moderate speed of 30-50 minutes 3-5 times a week can effectively reduce fat and improve body fat.

Or riding a bike, it loses legs quickly, and the biggest purpose is actually to lose fat on the legs. And in order to lose weight, it is best to do some leg equipment or massage your legs for half an hour after riding a bike. This can prevent the meat on the legs from turning into muscles and prevent the skin on the legs from sagging.

Others can also jump rope (more than half an hour a day).

Toe landing

(back straight),

The act of lying down and lifting the mount with your legs.

(Legs extended to the maximum, toes straight)

Of course, if it's just for skinny legs, you don't have to go to the gym. It's not bad to buy a piece of equipment at home. Like me, I hardly have time to go to the gym to practice because I get off work too late. I use active fitness equipment, which is cheap and durable. I hope these are helpful to you.