Can exercise prolong life?

Exercise can prolong life. The French health magazine TOPSANTE reported that Norwegian researchers studied 16000 elderly people born between 1923 and 1932. The results show that people in their seventies can exercise six days a week, and the average death rate can be reduced by 40% no matter whether the exercise intensity is moderate, moderate or intense.

In order to get this research result, relevant scientists conducted research and interviews with 6,000 volunteers in 1972 and 1973 respectively. Then in 2000, scientists revisited these volunteers and followed them until 20 1 1.

The study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, shows that for people in their 70s who often sit for a long time, exercising for at least three hours a week can prolong their life span by five years.

Sports welfare

1, the risk of dementia is low. A study by the Salgus Institute of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden shows that women who do more aerobic exercise in middle age are 88% less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease 40 years later.

2. The immune system is anti-aging. University of London compared 125 amateur cyclists aged between 55 and 79 with 75 people of similar age who seldom exercised, and found that the immune system of cyclists was more resistant to the risk of aging.

3. Muscles are stronger. A study published in the American Review of Physical Education and Sports Science shows that men who engage in moderate-intensity and high-intensity aerobic exercise for 45 minutes four times a week have increased their leg muscle mass by 5%~6%.

Refer to the above? People's Network-Ten Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

Refer to the above? People's Network-The elderly can exercise for 30 minutes every day, which can prolong their life span by 5 years.