Diet articles on three common misunderstandings of muscle gain

Have you fallen into the common misunderstanding of gaining muscle (diet)?

Scientific fitness plan

1, building muscles is not raising pigs.

Many friends have a big misunderstanding about muscle gain. They think that muscle gain means eating casually. The more you eat, the bigger your muscles grow. The result is that your muscles don't grow much and your body fat is much higher. Finally, you should stop gaining muscle and start losing fat.

We really need to eat more to gain muscle, but we must grasp the amount. We can judge whether the intake is more or less by measuring four data of the body. These four data are weight, waist circumference, arm circumference and strength.

2. Overobsessed with protein.

Protein is very important, but the more protein, the better. The intake of protein is per kilogram of body weight 1.5~2g.

3. Carbohydrate was not replenished in time after training.

For muscle building, the most important meal must be the one after training. Carbohydrates ingested within 2-3 hours after training can enter muscles in large quantities to replenish muscle glycogen and help muscles recover.

After strength training, the body's sensitivity to carbohydrates increases, that is, the intake of carbohydrates is easier to fill muscle glycogen than synthetic fat. After strength training, intake of a large amount of carbohydrates can help the body start anabolism and get through the window period after training.

Learn to read body data

1, weight, if the weight rises too fast, exceeding 0.5kg/ week, you need to reduce the intake. If you lose too much weight, you need to eat more (but if you have high body fat, you can gain muscle while losing weight).

2, waist circumference, waist circumference directly reflects body fat, the best situation to gain muscle is that the waist circumference remains unchanged, or the waist country grows slightly. If the waist circumference increases by more than 1cm a week, it means eating too much or the training intensity is not enough.

3, arm circumference and strength, arm circumference and strength level can reflect whether to increase muscle from the side. If the arm circumference or strength level is not improved, the weight will increase, and the high probability is that the weight gain is successful.