What should I do if the water quality of the gym swimming pool is not up to standard?

The reason why the water quality is not up to standard depends on the cycle of your swimming pool!

1. The circulation flow of the gym swimming pool, the smaller the swimming pool, the shorter the circulation period!

2. The number of people in the swimming pool, the more people, the shorter the water cycle.

3. Water temperature, the higher the temperature, the faster the growth of microorganisms, and the shorter the water change cycle.

4. The disinfectant in the swimming pool is ineffective, so it is necessary to change the water frequently.

Swimming pool water is directly related to human health and safety. At present, the research on swimming pool water treatment technology at home and abroad is basically mature. In view of the problems existing in engineering projects, Desler is constantly providing more suitable water treatment systems for swimming pools. Traditional water treatment attempts to solve this problem by adding high doses of chlorine, ultraviolet or ozone, but the growth of bacteria is a biological problem and needs a biological solution, namely: DAISY+!

This is a complete swimming pool water treatment system, in which all components work together to provide a system that can produce clean and safe water and healthy air conditions. Innovative, sustainable and economical swimming pool water treatment system. Our mission is to provide solutions that have a positive environmental impact on our ecosystem. Help make the world a better place: provide a non-toxic environment for everyone.