Service English

Me. Receiving patients (receiving patients)

1. How are you? /Good morning! Hello! (used when meeting for the first time)/Good morning!

2. What can you do? /can help you? Do you need my help?

I'll take you to your bedside, please follow me. This is your bed ...

I'll take you to the bedside. Please follow me. This is your bed.

The bathroom is over there.

5.Wesu lyhotwater。 We supply hot water.

6. Please wait a moment. I will tell you, doctor. /I will tell your doctor. Just a moment, please. I'll inform the doctor.

7.Maryisthenurse/doctorinchargeofyou. Mary is your attending nurse/doctor.

Please let us know if you need help.

9. smokers. Smoking is not allowed here.

Two. Information collection (information collection)

10.DoyoumindifIaskyouafewquestio? Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

We need to collect some information from you.

12. Your Isyourtummystillsore? Does your stomach still hurt?

13. Is your pain before or after meals? Did your pain appear after or before meals?

14. Is it urine? /When will I be here? Does it hurt to pee? /Does it hurt if I press here?

15. Do you have back pain? Do you have a backache?

16. Do you feel good? Is your foot swollen?

17. Do you have a fever? Do you cough?? /Do you have a fever?

18.Doyoubringupany utum? Do you have phlegm?

19. Is it pain radiation? Is there any radiation pain (to the shoulder)?

20. How long have you been? How long have you been in pain?

2 1. When was the pie made? /Where is your pain? When/where did the pain start?

22. Do you have regular menstruation? Do you have regular menstruation?

3. Physical examination (physical examination)

23. Would you like to have a medical examination? Would you please take off your clothes and have a physical examination?

Please take off your clothes. Please take off your clothes.

25. Please lie on the sofa. /Just lying on the sofa. Please lie quietly on the sofa and relax.

26. Please bend your knees.

27. Open your mouth and say, Ah.

28. Please repeat that. /takeadeereeth, please. Breathe deeply, please.

29. Please check your stomach. May I check your stomach?

30. Please roll up your sleeves.

4. communication. (communication)

3 1. I want to take your temperature. Please put the thermometer under your arm. I want to take your temperature/please put the thermometer under your arm.

Let me take your pulse.

33. I want to take your blood pressure. I want to take your blood pressure.

34. I'm mafraidihavetoprickYour. I need to prick my finger to take a drop of finger blood to measure blood sugar.

I'm going to take someone from your arm right now. Now I'm going to draw blood from your arm.

Do not eat or drink after midnight, and draw blood tomorrow morning.

37. Please leave a urine/stool/sputum specimen/please collect your middle urine.

Blood test and urine test, please.

39. You will have a chest/head scan today. You are going to have a chest/head CT today.

40. You had an X-ray examination this morning. You will have a chest X-ray this morning.

4 1. You will have an example of modern ultrasound. Please keep your bladder full. If you want to do B-ultrasound, please leave urine to fill your bladder.

42. You are going to have a gastrectomy tomorrow morning. Please don't drink tea or alcohol.

Anything after tonight 12O will do. You will have a gastroscopy tomorrow morning. Please don't eat or drink anything after tonight 12.

43. You will be in danger. Now you need a catheterization.

I'm going to give you an electrocardiogram.

45. I'm going to do gastroduodenal decompression surgery. I want to insert a gastric tube into your stomach. This is gastrointestinal decompression.

We can provide you with nutrition through test tubes. Please shake the tube to give you the necessary nutrition. Please swallow when I put the tube in.

46. I want to make your bed. /We will change the sheets. I'll make your bed/we'll change your sheets right away.

47. I want to give you a cold (hot) compress on your ankle. I want to apply a cold/hot compress to your ankle.


Are you willing to provide a license for your operation? There will be an operation tomorrow/an emergency operation now. Would you please sign the operation sheet?

49. I will skin you. /I'm repairing mgoingtososki for you. I want to prepare your skin.

50. You should have a local/general/epidural anesthesia. You will receive local anesthesia/general anesthesia/epidural anesthesia.

5 1. Do you have allergic reactions? /penicillin? Are you allergic to any drugs/penicillin?

52. I want to do an ice cream test for you. /Please tell me if Ifyoufeelitchyorshortofbreath. I'll see the result in fifteen minutes. /I'll give you a penicillin skin test. If you feel itchy or short of breath, please tell me at once. /See the result in fifteen minutes. /I will give you a tetanus skin test.

53. I want to give you an injection. /intravenous injection/subcutaneous injection. I'll give you an intramuscular/intravenous/intradermal injection.

54. I am doing exercise. I will give you an enema to help you defecate.

55. The doctor will change your dressing. /The doctor will take out the stitches for you. The doctor will change your dressing/remove your stitches.

56. I'll give you oxygen now. I want to give you oxygen.

57. I want to give you (atomized) inhalation.

I'm going to irrigate your bladder.

You should stay in bed for at least a week.

60. How are you today? How was your sleep? How do you think? How are you today? How did you sleep last night? How is your appetite?

6 1. Did you move a motion yesterday? /Are you behaving normally? Did you pass the motion yesterday? /Is your stool normal?

62. What color is your urine? What color is your urine?

63. How much is it each time? How much do you urinate each time?

64.Youwillhaveskin/cervicaltraction. will give you skin/neck traction.

65. Do more exercise/do some light work to keep healthy and avoid excitement and anxiety.

Do more exercise/do some light physical activities, keep a good attitude, avoid excitement and excessive anxiety, and be careful not to fall.

66. You need a blood transfusion.

The result is normal.

68. Your illness is diagnosed as ~

69. You have to smoke and drink. You must give up smoking and drinking.

About medical care and nutrition (. About medical care and nutrition)

70.Taketwotabletsthreetimesadayafter/beforefood. takes two capsules three times a day before/after meals.

7 1. Take this medicine with boiled water. Take this medicine and drink plenty of water.

I give you an injection twice a day.

73. This medicine is used to prevent infection/treat infection/relieve pain/protect your stomach/supplement nutrition/reduce body temperature/intracranial pressure/stop bleeding/

This medicine is used to prevent infection/treat infection/relieve pain/protect stomach/provide nutrition/lower body temperature/reduce intracranial pressure/stop bleeding.

You should eat low-fat/low-salt/light/high-calorie/high-protein/light/liquid food.

Your diet should be low in fat/salt/light/high in calories/high in protein/soft/liquid food.

Please eat more nutritious food. Please eat nutritious food.

Step 6 be comfortable (comfortable)

76.Nevermind/Itdoe' It's okay, it's okay.

77. Don't worry about it.

Relax, the operator is a master.

You will recover soon.

Please come back to the doctor for examination in two weeks. Please see a doctor for a reexamination in two weeks.

1, general diseases

Hefeelsheadache, disgusting.

He feels headache, nausea and vomiting.

He's by the sea.

He is not feeling well. He is ill.

He felt extremely tired.

He felt extremely tired?

He's a little dizzy.

He feels dizzy.

she ha ee hut-in AFE days。

She has been ill at home for several days.

Her head is round.

She has a headache.

His symptoms include fever, weightlessness, fatigue, fever and cold.

His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, fever and chills.


He feels very tired most of the time.

He sometimes lacks energy.

He has been feeling weak for some time.

He feels blue, dizzy and nauseous.

He feels sleepy, dizzy and nauseous.

He felt that everything around him was disappearing.

He felt that everything around him was spinning.

He knows something about listening.

He found his strength worse.

sheha ome pai anditchingarroundhereyes。

Her eyes are sore and itchy.

Step 2 catch a cold

He has green phlegm.

He coughed up green and yellow sputum.

His eyes feel cold.

His eyes are itchy and he has been sneezing.

He has a fever and his muscles ache.

He has a fever, muscle aches and often coughs. Hacker = constant.

He was defeated by the feeling of the future.

He coughed a lot of phlegm and felt weak. Discomfort = weakness.


He caught a cold and coughed.

He has a headache and pains in his bones and joints.

He has a headache and pains in his bones and joints.

He kept coughing.

He kept coughing.

He's out of control

His bouts of coughing are uncontrollable.

He sometimes loses this voice.

He has a hoarse voice and sometimes loses his voice.


He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose.

Hello, Regis Sandwich.

He was out of breath when he breathed.

He suddenly found one or two temples.

Sometimes the temple suddenly stings.

Hehasaru ynose,eezingorascratchythroat。

He has a runny nose, sneezing and a hoarse throat.

3. Female diseases

Sheha oticedonelumpinherbreast。

She found a lump in her chest.

There is a hard, swollen breast.

She has a lump in her right breast.

Her left breast is ainfulandswollen.

Her left breast is sore and swollen.


She has a lot of menstruation.

Her vaginal discharge is white or yellow-green, almost odorless.

Her vaginal discharge is white or yellow-green, and it smells bad.

She noticed occasional bleeding between menstrual cycles.

Before and after menstruation, she sometimes finds blood dripping.

She will bleed after sex.

There is bleeding after sexual intercourse.

She felt a vaginal spasm.

She feels itchy in her vagina.

She has menstruation and vaginal discharge.

She has menstrual pain and abnormal vaginal discharge.

4 hand and foot problems

Hello, othhandsandfeetacheallover.

His hands and feet are sore.

He has a love farmer, Solofer.

His soles hurt.

There is a frog like an ant.

I have a warty lump on the sole of my right foot.

Hisankleslookpuff and theypitwhen he preetheshemwithfinger.

His ankle seems swollen. If you press it by hand, there will be a small pit. They and they in the pit=smalldentform both refer to ankles.

Thepainihisleft footisaccaniedbyredne and swelling.

My left foot is sore and swollen.

The knuckles and joints look swollen.

The joints near fingers and knuckles seem to be swollen.

He has beautiful hands.

His hands and fingers felt numb and tingling.

His legs get tired easily.

His leg hurts after strenuous exercise.

His knees can't move.

His knee is a little deformed and can't move.

There are some good examples.

His armpits are swollen.

Robbery, robbery, robbery.

His bones and joints hurt.

Sheistroubledbythepai is on her back.

Her back and shoulders hurt.

His knee looked uncomfortable for a while.

His knee has been uncomfortable for some time.

5. Poor sleep

Black sleep is not good.

He can't sleep well.

It's hard for him to sleep and concentrate.

It is difficult for him to fall asleep and concentrate.

It is usually difficult for her to sleep at night.

She sleeps at night and it is difficult for her to fall asleep.

He lost sleep again.

After he wakes up at night or early in the morning, he can't sleep anymore.

He fights occasionally.

He sometimes has nightmares.

6. Male diseases

More often than usual.

He urinates more than usual.

It is difficult for him to control the ladder.

It is difficult for him to control his urine. Bladder is bladder.

There are many things about statistics.

He has some lumps in his testicles.


He feels pain when he urinates.

He is always alone.

He urinates less than usual.

He speaks very well.

His scrotum has painless swelling.

Hefeelslackofinteresti ex。

He consciously lost interest in sex.


He has difficulty urinating.


He urinates slowly and feebly.

Hedri lesalittle leurineafter hehasfinishiedurining finished urinating.

After he urinates, he will dribble a little.

hehashadsomedischargefromhi enis。

There is some pus on his penis.

hisurineiscloudanditsmell strong。

His urine is cloudy and smells bad.


He felt a dull pain in his crotch.

He has a little secret.

When he coughs or sneezes, he leaks some urine.


He has difficulty urinating.

Step 7 breathe

Hello, the economy is getting more and more difficult.

It's getting harder and harder for him to breathe.

He gasped with his mouth.

He wants to breathe through his mouth.

He has difficulty breathing, even if he doesn't exercise, he has difficulty breathing.

He gasped; Even if you don't exercise, you are out of breath.

He was panting.

His cough is wheezing.

His throat is dry and he has done nothing.

He has a dry cough and no phlegm.

Hehascoughedu lood。

He coughs with blood.

Hi, osestuffedupwhenhehadacold.

He has a stuffy nose when he has a cold.

hecoughsupalotofphlegmthick itonmostdays。

He coughed up thick phlegm most of the time.

He has a feeling of excitement.

He feels chest tightness, as if he can't breathe.

8. Oral problems

Heha aininhisteethorjaw

His teeth and chin hurt.

He met with difficulties.

There is something wrong with his teeth.


He has a toothache when he bites. Verb tenses: hurt, hurt, hurt, bite, bite, bite.

His gums are atrophied and swollen.

His gums are red and swollen.


His tongue is red and sore everywhere.

Hello, Resmeyer.

He has a strange smell in his mouth.

His gums have thinned.

His gums are bleeding.

heha omesoreswellingsonhisgumorjaw。

His gums and chin are sore and swollen.

Heha oreplacesonoraroundthelip。

His lips and surroundings hurt.

There is therearecracksatthecornersofhissmouth here.

His mouth is broken.

There's medicoledareasiideon histongue here.

There are some strange colors on his tongue.

9. Gastrointestinal problems

He felt bloated and uncomfortable after dinner.

He felt bloated and uncomfortable after dinner.

Or he feels floating after dinner.

He won.

He has bouts of abdominal pain.

He felt bored.

He feels bloated. Note: Swell, like "puffup", but not really swollen "swellup".

The penis is mainly located in the lower part of the abdomen.

The pain is in the lower part of the stomach.

He has nausea and vomiting.

He feels nauseous.

It's hard for him to indulge in it.

It hurts when he swallows food.

He is used to it.

He plays ... more than usual.

He has been missing for several days.

He was constipated for several days.

When he woke up.

It hurts when he defecates.

His rectum is bleeding.

His anal bleeding.

He noticed some bloodshed.

He found some blood in the stool.

Hello, exercise is pale, greasy and smelly.

His stool is gray and oily. or

Hello, owelmovementsaregorblackincolor.

His stool is gray.

He has diarrhea.

He has diarrhea.

10, blood pressure, etc.

Hi, honey, how are you?

His blood pressure is very high.

He noticed frequent urination and increased urgency.

He found frequent urination, thirsty and more tired.

When hebendsoverliesdown.

His chest hurts more when he bends down or lies down.

He has lovely eyes.

He experienced a lot of sweating and unexplained fatigue.

He's dead.

He felt a tingling pain in some part of his spine.

He has no other joints, including shoulders, knees and knees.

Other joint pains include hips, knees and ankles.

His eyes sparkled.

His eyes feel a little swollen.

He has double vision.

His vision is double.


He felt that there was something like a film in his eyes, which blocked his view.

His vision is blurred.

His right eye is blurred.

He is very busy recently.

He has a little pain in his ear recently.

He repeated.

His ears are always buzzing.

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