How to arrange a fitness plan?

Tools/raw materials

Time management tools, calendars, exercise equipment


training equipment



Select the time of the weekly training class. To find some time for the next week, take out your calendar; You only need less than 15 minutes to organize your schedule. In order to ensure that you constantly remind yourself of the appointed time, please ensure that the information on the calendar you will read every day is valid.


Your preferred calendar settings may be Google calendar, personal calendar on your mobile phone, or old-fashioned paper calendar. Other forms suitable for planning a week's schedule include using PDA, daily plan or spreadsheet.


Record all your tasks this week. Fill in all the things you can think of that will take your time.

O Do you or your family have an appointment with the dentist? Do you have an appointment with the barber? Are there any plans that need to be completed?

O record all this.


Look at the free time between your activities and appointments. This is the time period when you can arrange daily exercise.

Focus on your free time. Distinguish between different time periods and put exercise in the available time. The more time, the better. No matter what time you have, there are some available methods that suit your lifestyle:

60 minutes or more?

50 minutes

40 minutes

30 minutes

20 minutes

10 minutes


In order to achieve the best results, plan 30-minute cardiovascular exercise 3-4 times a week. Many people think that cardiovascular training is a terrible task because they try to do too much aerobic exercise. Yes.-Too many! In order to achieve the healthiest goal, you will want to do aerobic exercise for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week according to your target heart rate. This means that you can change yourself and complete your aerobic training in 30-40 minutes.

O Be sure to choose some sports that you are willing to do. If you don't choose what you like to do, it's hard for you to have the motivation to do aerobic exercise.

O Write down "Cardiovascular Function" in 30-40 minutes. Continue to fill in the following three time periods:

If your knees are not good, you can choose a fitness bike, elliptical machine, or go swimming.

Will a quick walk or run in your community attract attention?

What about the office steps? Go up and down the stairs within the specified time.

Do you prefer to have classes at the local club or the city hall?

Is there a TV in your bedroom?

Don't you know yourself? Try some different options and find out what you can stick to.


Plan to do 30-minute strength training at least three times a week. The first step is often the most difficult. Sign up for personal training courses or cooperate with friends to make yourself feel responsible. 30 to 40 minutes of strength training is the best choice. If you plan to optimize those short pulses in your spare time, you can do some 10 minutes of exercise. O put a set of dumbbells under your desk.

O For convenience, put some tubes or tape in the desk drawer.

O collect some interesting exercises on YouTube.

Make this 30-minute exercise achieve the best effect. If you choose to divide your time into ten minutes, you must find time to do such short-term training three times a day.

1 Check your schedule.

O Do you spare 30 minutes for cardiovascular exercise three days a week?

O how do you do strength training? Have you planned at least three 30-minute trainings? Stick to your plan this week. Realizing your exercise plan will give you a sense of accomplishment. You can adjust your daily life next week if necessary.

O When you finish each exercise, check it on your calendar, PDA, mobile phone, etc.

O pay attention to what suits you and what doesn't, so that when the planned day comes again, you can make some necessary changes. Repeat every week. By sticking to the planned day and arranging a schedule every week, you are more likely to stick to your plan and achieve your goals.

O At the end of each week, record what works and what needs to be changed.

If your plan works for you this week, repeat it. If not, we must make the necessary changes.