Bilingual: the best time to lose weight?

Perfect daily exercise includes the right combination of cardiovascular and strength training. Heather Milton, a senior exercise physiologist at NYU· Langong Health Center, discussed how to keep fit through the right balance. The following is a transcript of the video.

The best exercise programs include cardiovascular and strength exercises. Heather Milton, a senior exercise physiologist at NYU· Langong Medical Center, introduced how to lose weight in a correct and balanced way. The following is the text.

The exercises that you want to choose to minimize fat are those that you can keep for a long time, and these exercises will use the most muscle groups.

You choose an exercise to lose weight, which requires you to stick to it for a long time and use most of your muscles.

I'm Heather Milton. I am a senior exercise physiologist at NYU Lange Health Center. Everyone has different preferences in the types of cardiovascular exercise or weight loss in the gym.

I'm Heather Milton, a senior exercise physiologist at NYU· Langone Medical Center. For cardiovascular exercise and weight loss, everyone has their own favorite exercise methods in the gym.

Some people like stairs. Some people like treadmills. Some people like elliptical training. The idea is that you basically want your heart rate to rise until you are at least at a moderate intensity.

Some people like to climb stairs, some people like treadmills, and some people like elliptical training. Generally speaking, you want to do moderate intensity exercise to make your heart beat faster.

So this means you have to make sure that your heart rate and breathing rate are increased. I suggest that if you try to lose weight, it is always accompanied by cardiovascular exercise and strength training, because you can increase your metabolism to maintain a higher metabolism, if you do strength training and cardiovascular training.

This means that you must make sure that your heart beats faster than your breathing. If you are losing weight, I suggest you do cardiovascular exercise and strength exercise at the same time, because if you do these two exercises at the same time, you can speed up your metabolism, especially outside the gym, and you can maintain a high metabolism.

If we talk about the maximum amount of fat you can burn in a gym exercise, it will be a higher intensity cardiovascular exercise. However, you don't want to do all the high-intensity exercise unless you are ready for at least four weeks of moderate-intensity exercise before starting to do higher-intensity exercise.

If we are talking about the maximum amount of fat you can burn in a gym during an exercise cycle, it must be intensive cardiovascular training. However, you don't want to do such high-intensity exercise unless you have done moderate-intensity intensive training for about four weeks before high-intensity training.