How to use wristbands in sports?

If what is the most common fitness equipment in fitness, I think wrist protector is one of them, because almost all actions done by hand will use wrist joints to some extent, so people attach great importance to the health of wrist. But many people may not know how to use the wristband correctly, or even where it is protected. So today we mainly talk about the correct use of wristbands and where it protects. And how to wear it to fully play its role.

The first thing we need to know is the structure of our wrists. Our forearm consists of ulna and radius, while our palm consists of five phalanges. Many people may mistakenly think that the phalanx and forearm are directly connected by soft tissue like other joints, but this is not the case. There are eight tiny joints between the forearm and the palm, which are our wrists.

The ulna and radius of the forearm and the phalanges of the palm are connected by eight tiny joints, which is why our wrist is one of the most flexible joints in our whole body. What we need to protect is the joints of these joints, because there are almost no fractures and dislocations in wrist joints due to structural reasons, which are more common in other joints and bones, and wrist joints are more prone to arthritis due to long-term compression.

So how should we wear wristbands correctly when exercising? The first thing we need to know is why we may have wrist arthritis while exercising. Take bench press as an example. As we all know, when lifting a barbell, the position of the barbell in the palm may not be at the root of the palm, but in the palm, which also makes the whole palm be pressed backwards by excessive weight if your forearm flexors are not strong enough, which will lead to arthritis over time.

After talking about the structure of the wrist joint and why arthritis occurs in the wrist joint, then we can talk about how to wear a wristband. As we said earlier, the weight of bench press will push the palm back excessively, so the function of wrist guard is naturally to reduce this backward pressure. So how can you really reduce this power by wearing a wristband? It is to tie the wrist with a wristband to limit the palm from bending backwards. At this time, the wristband can support your bent palm, so it can protect your wrist.

So what are the mistakes that many people often make? They will think that the wristband protects the phalanx and radius of your forearm, so it will be worn under your wrist, almost entirely on your forearm. At this time, you will find that your wrist can still move completely normally, without affecting his flexibility at all. When doing bench press or shoulder press, turning back the palm can't support you. This also makes the wristband lose its real function.

But in order to better protect the wrist, the wristband needs to be wrapped very tightly, which makes it impossible for us to wear the wristband for a long time. Usually, after a group of training, I will take off my wristband and wrap it completely only when I do the action. Because long-term continuous winding will make your palms ischemic and paralyzed, just like our legs will be numb after squatting in the toilet for a long time, so we must control the wearing time.

Therefore, how to judge whether your wristband is worn correctly, the most important thing is to see whether your palm can move as freely as when you are not wearing it. Wrist protection is to limit the angle of wrist backward rotation through support, reduce the pressure on wrist and achieve the effect of protection. Therefore, since it is necessary to support the wristband, it is naturally better to be hard, just as the harder the belt, the better the effect of protecting and supporting the waist.