Can I run indoors in foggy weather?

It is generally believed that outdoor sports should be replaced by indoor sports when the pollution index is high. But this is definitely a bad idea! There are also many pollutants in the air of the gym, usually formaldehyde. In addition, gyms are usually poorly ventilated, which may lead to asthma.

Suggestion: If you really want to keep running, you must pay more attention to the weather forecast of the day before running and try to avoid going out to exercise in foggy weather. Some people worry that stopping exercise will reduce the effect of losing weight. At this time they can pay more attention to their diet. You can also do some exercise in moderation at home, such as running in situ, skipping rope, hula hoop and so on. This can also achieve the purpose of exercise. In order to avoid smog when running in winter, you must learn to meet needles. First, download a pm2.5 monitoring software on your mobile phone. Once pm2.5 drops below 120 at some time in the morning or evening, go out for a run.