What is the calorie of fried chicken chops? How long does it take to run or keep fit if you exercise to lose weight?

The calorie of fried chicken chops (calculated by 100g edible part) is 224 calories (937 kilojoules), and the unit calorie is moderate.

Running calories (kilocalories) = weight (kg) × exercise time (hours) × index K.

Exponent k = 30 ÷ speed (min /400 m)

For example, if someone weighs 60 kilograms and runs at a speed of 3 minutes /400 meters or 8 kilometers/hour, then the calories he consumes when running = 60× 1 × 30/3 = 600 kcal.

People who eat 60 kilograms of chicken chops need 1.5 hours.