Is the swing of the kettle bell aerobic or anaerobic?

It belongs to aerobic exercise. Shaking the kettle bell is a common action in aerobic exercise and a new way to lose weight in aerobic exercise. When training, stand with your legs apart, hold the kettle bell with both hands, straighten your arms and bend your knees slightly. Relying on the strength of the calf and upper body for training, the swing of the kettle bell can exercise gluteal muscles, hamstring muscles, quadriceps femoris, lower back, shoulders, arms and core muscles. Aerobic exercise refers to an exercise mode that mainly provides the energy needed in exercise with aerobic metabolism. There is a linear relationship between exercise load and oxygen consumption. Aerobic exercise (aerobics) is characterized by "aerobic exercise", that is, the whole body is exercised with the accompaniment of music, and the duration of the exercise is at least 12 minutes. Broadcast exercise and interval exercise are not aerobic exercise, but can only be counted as aerobic exercise, so their exercise effect is far less significant than aerobic exercise.