There are cookies and cakes in the oven.

Different cookies, different recipes.


Basic use


General process:

1. Powder mixing


Pressing surface

Step 4: Forming


Cool down

The types of biscuits are mainly divided into tough biscuits, crisp biscuits, soda biscuits, wafer biscuits, sandwich biscuits and cookies.

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Jam sandwich biscuit

cream color

2 10/0g

powdered sugar



80 grams

vanilla extract

Proper amount

2. Low-gluten flour

320 grams




plastic bag

1 sheet

Cookie mold

man and wife


1. Mix the cream and powdered sugar, and then gently stir. Add egg yolk several times and stir well, then add vanilla extract and stir well. Beat the egg yolk in material 2 evenly for later use.

2. Sieve the flour and put it on the workbench to build a powder wall. Pour the formula 1 into the middle, then press with both hands and mix well to form dough.

3. Put the dough on the 1 cut plastic bag, sprinkle a little flour first, then glue the dough to a thickness of 0.4 cm and press the dough into a shape. Every two pieces are a group, in which 1 piece is coated with egg yolk (which can help cookies stick) as the lower layer, and 1 piece is pressed into a hollow shape with a small press as the upper layer, and the two pieces are stacked.

4. Put the processed biscuits in the oven and bake them at 170℃ and 140℃ until they are golden yellow (about 14 ~ 18 minutes).

Generally, the temperature of baking cookies in a small household oven is about 170℃ ~ 180℃.