How can I lose the meat on my waist?

Sit in a sitting position

When driving, sitting or just waiting in line, imagine chewing gum or wet paint behind the chair so that you don't lean back too much. Keep your shoulder blades tightened backwards, and tuck in your abdomen and chest.

Take a deep breath and get rid of the stress.

Keep your body relaxed, because stress will increase cortisol levels, which will stimulate abdominal fat accumulation. In order to lower the cortisol level, take 5 to 10 minutes to decompress yourself: inhale and exhale slowly and empty your brain. Continue to take a deep breath and repeat "1" when exhaling. If you are distracted, focus on "1". Practice for 5 to 10 minutes every day, 1 2 times.

Gravity thin waist

Finding an ordinary chair in the gym and hanging your legs is one of the best ways to lose weight on your abdomen. Methods: the forearm was used to support the body and the legs were suspended. Slowly lift your legs to your chest with your abdominal muscles, and then put them down. Keep your back close to the seat and don't shake your legs. If you want to increase the difficulty, you should straighten your legs when lifting them.

Every day starts with breakfast like this.

Add a spoonful of olive oil (containing monounsaturated fatty acids) to English whole wheat muffins. Add a boiled or chopped egg, a slice of low-fat Swiss cheese and half a medium-sized cooked tomato to the muffin, and then slice it. Optional: Add 1/8 avocado to obtain more monounsaturated fatty acids.

Reverse belly rolling movement

Don't put your hands on your sides, because you can't help but press hard on your abdomen. Put your hands on your head to mobilize more abdominal muscles. Face up, put your hands on your head and grab heavy furniture or guide rails. Put your feet in the air and bend your legs. Shrink your abdomen, keep your back close to the floor and your ass off the ground. Exhale when lifting your legs, and inhale when lowering them.

Change the hunger pattern

Remember the last time I ate a lot of dessert and meat left over from my holiday, and I still felt hungry the next day? This is because eating too much for a long time, such as holidays, reduces the sensitivity of the stretch receptor in the stomach (which signals the brain to be full). After overeating, you should eat more healthy, low-calorie, low-fat and high-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These foods can satisfy stretch receptors instead of directly attracting you to other foods.