The harder you work, the easier it is to get fat. Why do you get fatter the harder you work?

A survey of office workers on a professional website in the United States shows that working in the workplace often leads to obesity, especially the harder you work, the easier it is to get fat.

According to Sing Tao Daily, a survey of 1600 office workers conducted by Vocational Website shows that as many as 47% of them gain weight in their current jobs.

The survey found that the harder you work, the easier it is to get fat. The main reason is that there is no time to exercise when you are busy at work, and 73% of workplaces have no fitness facilities. Relying on e-mail to communicate with colleagues in the workplace, rather than going to other colleagues' offices to discuss business, is the reason for getting fat. In addition, eating lunch outside often is also the main reason for getting fat.

Experts suggest that employees should use their lunch break to go to the gym to exercise, or simply have a healthy lunch and then go out for a walk, which are good for their health and can control their weight.

The survey also found that when employees are under pressure, they often use snacks to solve it, but snacks are the biggest killer of getting fat.

Experts suggest that it is best to put a bottle of water on the table at work and take it with you at any time to replace the bad habit of eating snacks. This is a good way to control your weight.