Do aerobic exercise or anaerobic exercise first. Aerobic and anaerobic arrangement is the best!

1 Do aerobic exercise or anaerobic exercise first, depending on the purpose of exercise.

Generally speaking, the purpose of fitness is to lose fat and gain muscle, so whether to do aerobic exercise or anaerobic exercise first depends on your ultimate exercise purpose.

2 Do anaerobic exercise to reduce fat before aerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is mostly high-intensity training that requires a lot of physical strength. If aerobic exercise is carried out first, the subsequent anaerobic exercise will have no physical strength, and the effect on muscle stimulation and fat burning will also be reduced, which will easily lead to physical injury. However, if you do anaerobic exercise first, you can consume most of the glycogen first, while when you do aerobic exercise, you can enter the fat consumption mode ahead of time, which is more effective and safer.

Note: first do 10-20 minutes without oxygen, rest for about 5 minutes and start doing aerobic exercise for 20-30 minutes.

3 Muscle gain The purpose of doing aerobic exercise first and then anaerobic exercise is to gain muscle. You can do aerobic exercise first and then anaerobic exercise, or you can finish anaerobic exercise and then finish the activities.

1, from the point of view of muscle growth, because after completing anaerobic high-intensity training, muscles need to rest, otherwise it will hinder muscle growth, so aerobic can be put in front of anaerobic to give muscles enough time to grow.

2. If you gain muscle, you can only do anaerobic training. After that, you can do aerobic activities for a few minutes to relax your muscles and help your body recover.

Note: No matter whether you do aerobic or anaerobic aerobic relaxation, the intensity should not be too high, and the time should not be too long, just 5- 10 minutes, so as to avoid the subsequent anaerobic training without physical strength or affecting muscle growth.

Do aerobic training and warm-up before exercise. Whether doing aerobic exercise or anaerobic exercise first, it is essential to do aerobic warm-up training for 5- 10 minutes before the start, which can open all joints, muscles and ligaments of the body, prevent sports injuries and make the body enter the state of exercise as soon as possible.