Dumbbell fitness video production

First of all, whether it is increasing or decreasing, it is an exercise method and a pyramid exercise method. By increasing the weight first and then reducing the weight, the muscles are exhausted and better exercise effect is achieved.

Generally speaking, the increase from low weight to high weight is more to warm up and let the muscles enter a state of congestion, so that the muscles are not easy to strain in the formal group.

After the formal exercise group, from high to low. This is because in order to make the muscles exhausted, we are used to calling it superior. The purpose of this is to maximize the effect of stimulating muscles. Generally, this kind of exercise has a good effect on increasing muscles.

Finally, I said at the beginning that the pyramid movement is a method, and so is your movement. Pyramid exercise has a good effect on increasing muscles, and your exercise method is good for increasing strength. I suggest you try them all and choose the one that suits you.

I hope I can help you.