What is a simple sports truth?

You know, exercise is good for health. But you know, it can also enhance your self-esteem, improve your sleep, help you overcome anxiety, depression, stress and so on.

Depression: There is evidence that exercise can relieve mild to severe depression, just like antidepressants, but there are no side effects. For example, a new report from Harvard University's T.H. Chan School of Public Health shows that running 15 minutes or walking for an hour every day can reduce the risk of major depression by 26%. Besides relieving the symptoms of depression, there is evidence that keeping the habit of exercise will make you quit smoking.

In many ways, exercise is a successful way to fight depression. Most importantly, it can stimulate various improvements in the brain, including the development of neurons, reduce inflammation and new activity patterns, thus cultivating a sense of peace and happiness. It also releases endorphins, a powerful chemical that can lift your spirits and make your brain feel good. Finally, exercise can also be used as a pastime to help you find some quiet time and get rid of the vicious circle of depression.

Anxiety: The safe and effective anti-anxiety drug is exercise. It can relieve stress and tension, increase physical and emotional vitality, and improve health by releasing endorphins. Something that keeps you going will help, but if you concentrate instead of ignoring it, you will make remarkable progress.

Start paying attention to, for example, the vibration of your feet touching the ground, or the rhythm of your breathing, or the feeling of a breeze blowing on your skin. By adding this mindfulness function, you can not only promote your health faster, but also reflect your body and your feelings during exercise, and prevent daily anxiety from passing through your brain.

Stress: Does your body realize how tired you are? Your muscles, especially those of your face, neck and shoulders, may be tense, resulting in back or neck pain or headache. You will feel nervous stomach, rapid heartbeat or muscle spasm. You may also encounter problems such as insomnia, heartburn, stomachache, diarrhea or excessive urination. All these physical worries and pains, in turn, will lead to greater tension and form a vicious circle of body and mind.

Training is a healthy way to break this cycle. Besides activating brain endorphins, physical exercise also helps to relax muscles and reduce stress. Because your body and brain are so closely linked, when your body feels better, your brain will feel better.

A little activity is better than nothing, even if there is only a little activity.

For example, 15-30 minutes has no time to exercise, or after 5- 10 minutes, the body feels that it is time to rest, and it doesn't matter. Start from 5 to 10 minutes, and then gradually increase the time. The more you train, the more energy you have, so you will be prepared for more things in the end. But on other days, your goal is to invest in some small sports activities. You should gradually add extra exercise time, or try various exercise methods to make it a routine. Stick to it and the benefits of fitness will begin to pay off.