Prescription for treating cerebrovascular occlusion

Honey motherwort juice


20g of honey, motherwort juice 10 ml, and 40 ml of rehmannia glutinosa juice.

[Production and use]

Mix all the above materials and take it twice on the same day, with 20 days as a course of treatment.


Shu Jing Huoxue is suitable for patients with cerebral apoplexy or insufficient blood supply.

keep early hours

Appropriate exercise

If you walk fast.

Be sure to have breakfast.

It's best to eat lightly.

Don't be greasy and spicy

Nutrition experts suggest staying away from the three whites (sugar, salt and lard) and approaching the three blacks (black sesame, mushrooms and black rice). From the point of nutritional value, four legs (pigs, cows and sheep) are not as good as two legs (chickens and ducks), two legs are not as good as one leg (mushrooms), and one leg is not as good as one leg (fish).

Eating kelp and river fish regularly, fish oil can reduce the death rate of brain cells.

Regular exercise of the fitness ball in your hand can promote brain circulation.

Vitamin e can prevent aging and arteriosclerosis.

If it's an elderly person

Wake up in the middle of the night and drink a few mouthfuls of boiled water.

Even if there are no symptoms of hypertension, it is advisable to keep blood pressure unchanged.

Don't forget to supplement active calcium for the elderly.