What effect does wearing a hat have on hair?

The oppression of the hat will affect the blood circulation of the head, making the hair airtight for a long time, especially at the hairline, making the pore muscles easy to relax and more likely to cause hair loss. In particular, some people wear hats for a long time to cover up the embarrassment of hair loss, but it will be self-defeating and accelerate the degree of hair loss. Therefore, people with hair loss had better not use hats to "hide their shame". The hat should be slightly larger than the head, so as not to press the hair too tightly, leave room for the hair to breathe, or let the hat breathe, such as padding a hollow hat lining or adding holes.

In addition, some friends who have a little hair loss are not really hair loss. For example, hair loss caused by some factors such as mental stress is not hair loss. Don't doubt your hair loss because of it. Under normal circumstances, 50 ~ 120 hairs are lost a day. If hair loss exceeds 120, it is hair loss. It is best to go to a regular hospital for treatment in time.