Self-made simple entrance pad

Self-made simple entrance pad

Materials and tools needed for self-made doormats;

2 pieces of flat wood 1.8m long, 2.5cm wide and 2cm thick, perforated wooden beads 10 with a diameter of 2.5cm, string 165cm long (0.5cm thick), sandpaper, hand electric drill and electric drill, hand saw, pencil, ruler, tape measure and painting tools (not necessary).

Steps and methods of simple woodworker's self-made doormat;

1, continuously measure 6 1 cm long line segments on the wood and mark them with a pencil.

2. Saw out the mark with a saw. After sawing, you have six small pieces of wood of the same length.

3. Make a mark at both ends of the side (2 cm thick side) of each small block, 5 cm away from the center of the end.

4. Use a drill bit with the same thickness as the chord diameter to drill through both sides of the wood at the mark.

5. Sandpaper rough places on the wood. If you are going to paint the wood first, you can polish it before painting it.

6. Tie a big knot at one end of the rope so that the rope won't come out of the small hole you drilled, and the other end will pass through the hole in the wood.

7. Then pass 1 Muzhu. Then through the wood, through the wooden beads ..... until through the last piece of wood, knot again.

8. The hole at the other end of the wood is put with rope and beads in the same way. In this way, a simple doormat is completed.

9. Let's look at the finished product. Although the handwork is simple, the effect is good. What would it look like if it was painted in a rainbow shape?