Why do bodybuilders have obvious muscle lines and low body fat rate, but their stomachs are like being pregnant?

First of all, bodybuilders exercise less on the abdomen. Then bodybuilders usually take some bodybuilding drugs for performance. And bodybuilders usually eat a lot. Also, bodybuilders use abdominal breathing in training. But even for the above reasons, not every fitness exercise will swell up. Bodybuilding athletes will focus on training superficial muscles and limbs, so most bodybuilding exercises are weak transverse abdominal muscles, which are deep muscles and can keep abdominal pressure stable.

Moreover, bodybuilders usually exercise the abdomen less often, which will lead to the abdomen protruding outward when the abdominal pressure increases. Bodybuilders will take some stimulating drugs for performance. Although these drugs are not contraband, they are still harmful to human body. There are two kinds of bodybuilding drugs, one is steroids and the other is human growth hormone. Human growth hormone can increase the number of muscle fibers, but adults will not grow taller because of it. It will make the internal organs develop again, and then the abdomen will protrude.

Bodybuilders eat more food every day for their own exercise effect. Because if you eat less, you will lose muscle, and if you eat more, you will practice more. Bodybuilders eat a lot of calorie food in order to keep their nutrition saturated. Because there is a reason for the big belly. Bodybuilders often use abdominal breathing, because bodybuilders do a lot of squat training, and abdominal breathing can keep the spine stable. But abdominal breathing will make the stomach bulge outward, that is, it will become bigger.

Aesthetically speaking, the bodybuilders in our college will give us such a strong visual effect, mainly because of their contrast. The contrast between their limbs and their bellies is visually shocking.