Why does the walker sweat after 10 minutes? Can you lose weight?

Walking on the treadmill for 10 minutes and sweating because of rapid exercise can lose weight, but the effect is not the best. You'd better do some strength training before using the treadmill.

1) Strength training can consume most of the glycogen reserves. When you start aerobic exercise, fat can be mobilized quickly and the efficiency of burning fat can be improved.

2) Strength training produces a lot of lactic acid, because it is powered by glycolysis. The accumulation of lactic acid not only affects the exercise ability, but also delays the recovery of the body after exercise. After strength training, aerobic exercise can bring lactic acid into the tricarboxylic acid cycle through pyruvate for complete oxidation, thus avoiding the accumulation of lactic acid.

3) Strength training can promote the secretion of catecholamine hormones such as adrenaline and norepinephrine and lipolytic hormones such as growth hormone, which is beneficial to the mobilization and decomposition of fat.

4) Strength training can also increase muscle repair and synthesis. If the body contains more lean tissue, the basal metabolic rate will be higher, and the more energy consumed, the more it will help to increase fat burning.