What color is backward and what color is forward?

Forward color: any color (such as yellow and other colors close to yellow) that looks closer to the eyes than other colors in all colors placed on the same plane.

Fading: Also called "color reduction". Several colors (such as green, blue, purple and their various discoloration) that are on the same plane as other colors but look far away from the eyes.

Some colors seem to protrude upward, while others seem to sag downward. Expansion color can make the visual effect of the object bigger, and contraction color can make the visual effect of the object smaller. Color has another function. Some colors seem to protrude upward, while others seem to sag downward. Among them, the color that looks convex is called forward color, and the color that looks concave is called backward color. Progressive colors include red, orange, yellow and other warm colors, mainly high chroma colors; Then fading includes blue, blue-purple and other cool colors, mainly colors with low chroma.

The color effects of forward color and backward color have been widely used in many fields. For example, billboards often use progressive colors such as red, orange and yellow, because these colors are not only eye-catching, but also have outstanding effects and can be seen from a distance. Put up two billboards in the same place, one is red and the other is blue. The red one is closer from a distance. In the product leaflet, the correct use of forward color can highlight the publicity effect. Displaying the date of preferential activities and the preferential price of goods in red or yellow text on the leaflet will have an impact effect, and I believe customers can't resist the temptation of preferential prices.

In addition, in the factory, in order to improve the work efficiency of workers, managers have carried out various studies. For example, changing the color of the wall in time according to the season and painting it cool in summer and warm in winter can effectively adjust the psychological temperature of indoor workers and make them feel more comfortable. The reasonable combination of forward color and backward color can reduce the sense of oppression caused to workplace workers. The use of bright colors makes the space spacious and not messy, which can improve the work efficiency of workers.

In the field of cosmetics, forward color and backward color have been widely used. Reasonable use of color can help makeup artists draw three-dimensional faces. Eye shadow that can create a three-dimensional sense and a sense of depth is fading. In the traditional Japanese flower arrangement art, red or orange flowers are placed in front and blue flowers are placed behind, which can construct a three-dimensional picture with a sense of depth.

If the backlight color is used correctly, it can make the room look spacious.