Which is suitable for freshwater bass or sea bass?

You can't eat more seafood, because it contains a lot of salt and iodine. After eating too much, it is easy to cause the harm of iodine excess, including the harm caused by acute iodine excess and chronic iodine excess. Iodine is the raw material of thyroid hormone synthesis, and it also regulates the synthesis and release of thyroid hormone. Because the thyroid gland has its own self-regulation function, excessive intake of iodine in a certain period will generally not cause obvious thyroid dysfunction, but long-term excessive intake of iodine will lead to thyroid self-regulation imbalance and dysfunction, which will lead to thyroid diseases.

Excessive iodine intake will disturb the normal function of human thyroid, lead to goiter and hypothyroidism, and also induce or promote the occurrence and development of autoimmune thyroiditis. Excessive iodine intake will also have adverse effects on pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes. The level of thyroid stimulating hormone in pregnant women in areas with excessive iodine intake is significantly higher than that in areas with suitable iodine intake, and excessive iodine intake will also increase the risk of subclinical hypothyroidism in the third trimester of pregnancy. At the same time, it may also damage the thyroid function of the fetus and cause hypothyroidism of the newborn.