100 how many calories can kowtow consume every day? Which consumes more calories than kowtowing and running?

Running. .

How many calories do you want to burn? The answer is 3500 calories. In other words, if you can successfully burn 500 calories a day, you can theoretically lose a pound a week later!

Take the weight of 68kg and exercise for one hour as an example. Other weights are increased or decreased in proportion. The heavier the weight, the higher the calorie intake. Pick your favorite exercise to lose weight, persevere, and you will succeed. ★ To copy the contents of this website, please indicate the heat consumed by the Millennium Sunshine Health Medical Campaign.

Walking slowly (4 kilometers per hour) 255 calories

Walk fast (8 kilometers per hour) 555 calories

Jogging (9 kilometers per hour) 655 calories

Running (per hour12km) is 700 calories.

Bike (9 kilometers per hour) 245 calories

Bicycle (16 km/h) 4 15 card

Bicycle (2 1 km/h) 655 cards

Aerobic exercise (mild) 275 calories

Aerobic exercise (moderate) 350 calories

Physical training 300 calories

Sit-ups 432 cards

Walking machine (6 kilometers per hour) 345 calories

Climb stairs 480 cards

Climbing stairs 1500 (not timed) 250 cards.

Ladder ladder 680 card

Swimming (3 kilometers per hour) 550 calories

Tennis 425 cards

Handball 600 calories

Billiards 300 cards

Golf (Walking Club) 270 calories.

Roller skating 350 calories

Skiing in the suburbs (8 kilometers per hour) 600 calories

Activity items consume calories.

Drive 82 card

Work 76 card

Read 88 cards

Sleep 48 calories in the afternoon

72 cards for watching TV

Look at 66 cards

Dance 300 calories

Aerobic exercise 300 calories

Skipping rope 448 card

Eat 450 calories

Bath card 168

Shopping card 1 10

Buy 180 card

Scan 228 cards

Laundry card 1 14

Ironing 120 card

Dishwashing card 136

Insert 1 14 card.

Sawn wood 400 calories

Riding 350 calories

Walk the dog 130 card

240 suburban tourist cards