I am a girl. I want to practice strengthening my muscles, especially my abdomen. Eating protein powder for fitness, will it be there again? After all, you don't want to be a muscle girl. Have experien

I am a girl. I want to practice strengthening my muscles, especially my abdomen. Eating protein powder for fitness, will it be there again? After all, you don't want to be a muscle girl. Have experience If you want to strengthen your abdomen, you should not eat protein powder. First of all, girls' exercise intensity is generally not very high, so they don't need to eat protein powder to supplement protein. Eating protein powder again is to make muscles bigger, not to make abdomen tighter (waist thinner). If you eat protein powder and do not exercise enough, it will only make you fatter. I appreciate your idea. There are fewer and fewer young people, especially girls, who want to have healthy bodies. My suggestions are as follows:

1, keep a certain intensity of aerobic exercise (more than 30 minutes) every day, such as jogging and cycling, which will reduce your overall fat rate.

2. Do some strength training (this is the key to keeping your body firm, and if you lose weight, your flesh will still be soft). You can recommend abdominal muscle tearing, or you can selectively practice squat, which can make your legs strong. The correct squat can also shape your hips. In addition, for girls, you can also do flat support every day.