Seek stupid death 2 latest version introduction

Level three. First put out the light, tie the rope to the bull's head, light the sword, clothes rack and dog, tie the rope, pull the dog's tail, light the carpet, brush the fire dragon and light the fire.

Pass 1.

Put the water in the bucket into the well.

Click on the bone and three bones will appear.

Pull the first two bones until the weight reaches 250kg.

Then another monster appeared.

Slide the pond to let the monster pass.

Point to the monster.

The sliding monster killed him.

Move the stones below.

No, the purple flowers on the bones and the blue flowers in the lamp are planted in the pit.

Point the bones, point the flowers, and the flowers will kill the monsters.

Level two.

Put the monster's crown on the photo, the photo is crooked.

Click on the vase on the left, and the flowers will fall out after three times.

Pull the flower on the left and another monster appears.

Pull the flowers to the curtain on the right.

Pull the flowers on the right and let the light in.

Point to the bird and make it spit out the key.

Put the key on the door on the left and the door will open.

Pull up the lid of the dining car when you come in.

Click on the photo to enter the game.

Click Play to repeat the order of the cups.

After finishing the game, the drink on the right is poisonous. Ordering a drink for the monster on the right will be poisoned.

Shake the equipment and the turkey will fall to the ground.

The monster on the left will throw his head into the turkey and suffocate.

Level three.