What if the pelvis leans forward?

Walking backwards is the best way to correct pelvic anteversion.

In the process of walking backwards, you can effectively correct the unreasonable posture of the waist (lumbar lordosis), reduce pelvic forward tilt and lumbar lordosis, and exercise your muscles at the same time.

You can try walking backwards. Pay attention to wearing flat shoes and walk slowly.

If it is inconvenient to walk backwards, you can do an experiment: stand barefoot and raise your front foot by 20 mm to feel whether the symptoms are alleviated. The longer the better.

If you can relieve the pain, you can wear a pair of negative heel shoes with high front and low back, which can force the body's center of gravity to move backward, which is exactly the same as the principle of walking backwards, and can effectively reduce pelvic forward tilt and lumbar lordosis. Wear negative heel shoes with high front and low back, and you can walk backwards normally, so that you can walk backwards in daily life. Compared with the previous short-term walking backwards exercise, the effect is greatly increased and more consolidated. The most important thing is that it is very safe, which completely eliminates the potential safety hazard of walking backwards. Completely solved the shortage of backward fitness exercise.