What does "Ru86" mean when inputting a mobile phone number in an international format (such as 86 12345678900)?

86 means China.


One, 86 is the international code for China. That is, the area code of the International Telecommunication Union. For example, Hong Kong is 852. Similar to the country code, such as1310731* *, if you are in the United States, you should dial 86 1 073 1.

2. Country codes: Country codes (or country codes) are a set of geographical codes used to represent countries and overseas territories. The country code is a series of short letters or numbers, which is convenient for data processing and communication. There are many different national code standards in the world, among which ISO3 166- 1 is the most widely known. The country code can also refer to the country code of international long-distance calls, that is, the international telephone area code of the International Telecommunication Union (E. 164).

Third, part of the code

China -86

Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions: Macau -853, Taiwan Province -886 and Hongkong -852.