How to take a bath in Cyberpunk 2077?

We can take a bath in our hiding place, which is our home. When we enter the room, we can see the mirror. On the right hand side of the mirror is the shower room. We can interact with the shower in the shower room so that we can take a bath. However, taking a bath is just taking a bath, which has no bonus or influence on our players. This is also a detail of Cyberpunk 2077. Simply taking a bath, because the game is a first-person perspective, we can't see our bodies.

What's the use of Cyberpunk 2077 mirror?

We can see our protagonist in the mirror as long as we interact with it. When interacting with the mirror, we can also change our expressions, happy or sad, which is still very interesting, especially when we are happy.

Should I pay back Cyberpunk 2077?

How to adjust the car perspective in Cyberpunk 2077

How does Cyberpunk 2077 open the inventory bar?

How does Cyberpunk 2077 decode the chip?

How does Cyberpunk 2077 Super Dream Fast Forward and Fast Out?

How to adjust the super dream mode of Cyberpunk 2077?

How does Cyberpunk 2077 make weapons display numbers?

Where is the Cyberpunk 2077 locker?

How to rob a car in Cyberpunk 2077?

Heart of the King 2 Click on the demo.