How to test the certificate of fitness instructor, and where to test the national position and CBBA.

If you want to get the certificate of cbba fitness instructor, you need to register at the training college designated by cbba. After training, you can take the certificate exam. The examination content is divided into theoretical knowledge and practical skills. As long as you study and practice hard in training, you can generally pass the exam smoothly.

Only about 20 colleges and universities have offered cbba training courses more than 10 times this year. These more than 20 colleges have high teaching quality in the industry and can provide training services efficiently. These colleges can be found on the official website, cbba.

It doesn't matter if you can't find it. You can study directly on Xinghang Road. By the end of April, 2023, 12 cbba training courses have been held, and hundreds of people have obtained cbba fitness instructor certificates here.