What if there is no "exercise and health" in Apple's 4S settings?

Hello, according to your question, my answer is:

Iphone 4s has no exercise and health because your mobile phone has not been upgraded. Apple Dong Xi won't open the Sports and Health App until it is upgraded to ios8 at least. It is recommended that you upgrade your mobile phone directly to the latest version of the system, so that "sports and health" will automatically appear on the mobile phone desktop.

Health tracking has been added to Apple's new system. Some iPhone upgraded to iOS 8.2 and found that the power loss was too fast. Some netizens said that in the past, 100%-99% could last for 45 minutes, but now it can only last for 20 minutes, and then 1% was disconnected after 10 minutes. I connected the iPad Air2 to the wireless network, did nothing for 5 minutes, and dropped 2.