Latin dance cowboy basic dance steps name

Latin dance cowboy basic dance steps name

If you want to use Latin dance to keep fit, you must learn Latin dance well first. The following is the relevant information I collected for your reference only!

Latin cowboy basic dance steps name:

basic element

Square square, rectangle (square step)

Sector Step 9 (Sector Position)

Progressive parade


(backward) (backward)

Side step bypass

Shadow position

Side by side position juxtaposition

Shoulder to shoulder, shoulder to shoulder

Hand to hand combat opponent

Hockey stick step

Lady's underarm turn to female partner's underarm turn (arm down turn, fixed point turn)

Cuban rock Cuban swing

Natural expansion action right expansion step

Natural right-hand rotation

Reverse left turn

Open hip twist, open hip twist.

Closed hip twist


Spiral staircase

Ayida, Ayida

Rope rotation lasso turn

Cut-off Steps for Walkways and Counter Walkways

(check from the open P.P. and the open C.P.P.) (from P.P. and from C.P.P.)

(new york) (new york step)

Fixed point turn

Cucala QIA Si Step (kukla QIA)

Three, three, three steps

Turkish towel Turkish towel steps

Advanced hip twist step

Breakthrough in splitting Cuba (from opening C.P.P to separating Cuba) (from opening to reverse P.P. and opening to P.P.)

And open page)

Sliding door sliding door step

Cross basic cross basic step

Rebound action

Correct basic steps of natural basic movements

Left basic step of reverse basic motion

Basic steps of progressive basic movements

Samba walks in the dance.

Samba Whisks (Right and Left) Cross Step (Right and Left)

Step by step while samba.

The still samba walks in the same place.

Samba lock Samba lock steps

Botafogos Point Slide (Botafogos)

(Excerpted from P. P.& (Canadian Pacific Oil Company)

Visit Botafogos' "Sliding Point Botafogos"

Shadow Botafogos Shadow Website Sliding Shadow Botafogos

Contra Bota Fogos Reverse Point Sliding Reverse Bota Fogos

Braided rope weaving step

Volta step

Moving Volta (Crossing) Crosscutting Step (Wandering Step)

Step-by-step (for ladies) (for girlfriends)

Continuous Volta Turn in Place (Left and Right) Continuous Step Turn (Left and Right)

Natural scrolling Scroll to the right.

Corta Jaca pushing and cutting steps

Argentina takes a step across Argentina

basic element

Connecting rod rocker swings continuously.

Falling Rock and Back Swing

Change position from left to right and change pace from left to right.

Change position from right to left and change pace from right to left.

Link and whip walked around step by step.

Throw backward

Change hands behind your back

Cowboy ramble

Melenger's turn step

Stop and go

Arms rolled inward.

Spanish arm Spanish gesture

Windmill department

American rotation

Chicken take the chicken Hangbu

Toe Hell Spin Heel Toe Steps

Step of changing ball and sole

Kick, kick

Apel stamped his foot.

Sur Square still stands.

Take a step to the right

Take a step to the left.

Elevation (Right and Left) Lifting Steps (Lifting Steps Left and Right)

Rotation and rotation in progress (rotation and rotation in progress).)

C.p.p. Travel Rotation in Travel Rotation (C.p.p.)

Spanish line Spanish dance

Flamengo tap dance

Separation step

Attack attack steps

Eight-step replacement method

Sixteen-stage displacement

The promenade is closely synchronized side by side.

Take a stab in anger

Syncopation checkers syncopation spike

Cloak step

The Sixteen Steps of Lapush Swimming
