Ranking of Auburn University in USA

Auburn University, founded in 1856, is the largest university in Alabama and the first traditional white university in the state to admit black students.

As one of the century-old universities in the southern United States, Auburn University has a network of more than 300,000 alumni and 30,440 students. Many outstanding alumni are now active in all walks of life, including Tim Cook, the current CEO of Apple, jimmy wales, one of the founders of Wikipedia, Don Logan, a media tycoon and former CEO of time warner Inc..

Auburn University is located in Auburn University Town, Alabama, about an hour and a half drive from Atlanta, the largest city in the southeastern United States. Auburn is a famous university town in America. Livability 20 18 listed Auburn as the "most livable place" in the previous 100, and Princeton Review also rated Auburn University as the "Top Ten Universities with Quality of Life".

The campus of Auburn University covers an area of 184 1 acre, with 427 buildings, ranking first in the United States as a fitness center. Auburn University has set up a student center, three large libraries and 35 dining places for students.