What medicine does the whole body eczema itch take?

Alternative drug for eczema with itching include:

1, oral drugs, such as olopatadine hydrochloride tablets, fexofenadine hydrochloride tablets and other antihistamines, can play an anti-allergic, antipruritic, capillary contraction and anti-inflammatory therapeutic purposes. You can also choose compound glycyrrhizin capsules, which have anti-allergic and immunomodulatory therapeutic effects. You can use Chinese patent medicine. If accompanied by damp-heat symptoms such as erosion, exudation, bright red rash and yellow greasy tongue coating, Huangbai Capsule and Longdan Xiegan Soft Capsule can be taken orally. If the rash is bright red, with small papules and mutual fusion, but there is no blood-heat eczema such as erosion and exudation, Piminxiao capsule can be taken orally.

2. For external use, glucocorticoid drugs can be used, such as desonide ointment and hydrocortisone butyrate ointment. If the patient has severe itching, skin rash all over the body, accompanied by extensive erosion and exudation, glucocorticoid drugs, such as compound betamethasone injection, can be used for local intramuscular injection to achieve the therapeutic effect of antiallergic and immunosuppression. For external use, if there is exudation, nitrofurazone solution can be used for local wet compress, and hydrocortisone butyrate ointment can be used for external use if there are papules, erythema and plaques.