Sleeping after fitness, my arm hurts

There are two kinds of muscle pain after exercise.

1, normal muscle reaction, due to lactic acid accumulation. When your body's exercise intensity is much higher than usual for a period of time, your body will give you a tired signal, telling you that you need to rest, that is, lactic acid accumulation. Generally, this kind of soreness occurs when you start practicing without training for a long time, or when the muscle strength and action frequency of a certain part change greatly. This kind of pain is completely tolerable, usually 3-5 days, up to 7 days, and can be eliminated by itself. Don't do strength exercises in this part again during this time, because the muscles in this part are being repaired at this time. If you want to eliminate it as soon as possible, you can do low-intensity aerobic exercise, because aerobic exercise is more conducive to lactic acid metabolism, and you can generally jog.

2, muscle strain. If there is pain during strength training, the muscle strain may be even greater. Generally, it is caused by wrong movements or insufficient warm-up and inappropriate weight. This tension is hard to cure. It will last longer. The recovery time of specific parts depends on the degree of strain.

Depending on your condition, normal muscle reaction may be relatively large. Don't panic and take a few days off.

I wish you a happy fitness!

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