What effect does staying up late have on fitness?

Side effects of insufficient sleep on training effect. If you walk into the gym with fatigue and drowsiness, your training may not reach half your usual level. Related studies have found that people who have been short of sleep for a long time have much slower reaction time in psychological alertness test, and slow alertness means low cognitive ability and motor ability. In addition, people who don't get enough sleep are more likely to make mistakes, which leads to an increased chance of injury. As we all know, if they are injured, they can't start exercising.

As for the actual training performance, lack of sleep will not affect your best performance, which means that you can still push heavy objects and practice high intensity, but you will feel tired more easily. This is because when people don't get enough sleep, they often have glucose metabolism problems. Glucose is very important for health. If the body can't break down glucose, the level of physical fitness will drop.

Effect of sleep on hormonal balance. When we are asleep, the body will secrete a lot of anabolic hormones, such as testosterone and insulin growth factor. You may have heard of testosterone and its close relationship with muscle growth. When sleep is disturbed, especially when REM sleep in the first stage is disturbed, the body needs longer time to secrete these very important hormones, which will affect the body's ability to repair and grow muscles during sleep. It is found that the overall testosterone level of people who sleep and snore is low, and these factors together will of course affect the muscle gain effect. The effect of lack of sleep on hormones does not stop there. One of the benefits of sleep is to reduce the level of a hormone that breaks down muscles, that is, catabolic hormone, of which cortisol is the culprit. Once you don't have a good rest at night, the concentration of cortisol will increase.

When to sleep is also important. Although you have enough sleep time, it is also important when you sleep. It is found that people who sleep during the day are not as good as those who sleep at night, because the secretion of cortisol is related to the biological clock that the body runs. Night owls are more likely to lose muscle than early risers, because your cortisol level is disordered.

Effect of sleep on weight loss. Even if you want to lose weight instead of gaining muscle, sleep may not help you lose a few kilograms, but it can help you lose more fat than muscle. Compared with people who sleep only 5.5 hours a night, people who sleep 8 hours a night lose the same weight as them. People who sleep for 8 hours can lose 55% more fat and keep 60% muscle, as if they can lose fat by sleeping.

Lack of sleep will increase the level of hunger hormone, which is a hormone that greatly increases appetite; It also reduces the secretion of leptin, a hormone that makes you feel full. Therefore, the less you sleep, the more you eat, and the bigger your stomach …