Cheng fitness

When you design a training plan, remember that the weight training of the same muscle should be at least 48 hours apart. After training, your muscles need time to recover and repair themselves. Don't arrange a formal training day every week. Warm up for five minutes before you start exercising, such as jogging, cycling (gym), skipping rope, or doing slow jacks.

The weekly plan is divided into three parts:

1, strength exercise: three times a week. This paper introduces the whole body muscle exercises, one of which is aimed at the legs.

2. Extra cardiopulmonary exercise: optional, on non-muscle training days. Such as driving, running, swimming, walking and using a treadmill. It is recommended to do interval running one day a week and light exercise such as walking on the other two days.

3. abdominal muscle training: Twice a week. I suggest doing it before strength training or interval running.

Your weekly training plan

From now on, you should start doing circular training to develop your muscle potential. In other words, you will only rest for 30 seconds after completing one set of training, and then quickly jump into another set of training. Please follow the training sequence here; It will allow you to train different muscle groups in different groups. (Click here to view the complete training description and teaching photos)

By training different parts of your body, you will keep your body in working condition and be able to finish training continuously without rest. This is the advantage of cycle training: you will save time, because you need less rest time when using different muscle groups. More importantly, you will keep the center rate of the training process, so you will burn more fat during exercise-whether in the gym or in your bedroom.

Train for the first two weeks and do two cycles. The interval between exercises in each group should not exceed 30 seconds. When you finish a cycle, rest for 1 to 2 minutes, and then finish the second cycle. After the first two weeks, when you can easily complete two cycles in one exercise, increase it to three cycles. In each training group, use the weight that you can comfortably reach the required number of times. When it becomes very simple, the weight of each group increases by about 10%. The following is an example of a training schedule.


Emphasize abdominal muscle training's full-body strength training.

Abdominal muscle training completes one group at a time, and then completes the rest of the cycle training twice.

Number of repetitions of training items, number of rest groups

Traditional sit-ups * (traditional sit-ups)

1 2–15 None1

Bend your knees and lift your legs * (Bend your knees and lift your legs) 1 2–15 None1.

Oblique v-up * (each side 10)No. 1.

Bridge 1 or 2

None 1

Reverse sit-ups * (back stretching) 1 2–15 None1.

Squat10–12 for 30 seconds.


Bench press) 10 30 seconds 2

Pull-down) 10 30 seconds 2

Sit and lift barbell (Military Press) 10 30 seconds 2

Vertical platoon) 10 30 seconds 2

Triceps Push Down10–12 30 seconds 2

Leg stretch in sitting position10–12 30 seconds 2

Boom bending lifting barbell (biceps bending) 10 30 seconds 2

Leg bending in prone position10–12 30 seconds 2

Tuesday (optional):

Simple cardio-pulmonary training, such as walking.

(30 minutes, fast)


Emphasize the whole body strength training of abdominal muscles

Complete a set of abdominal exercises, and then complete the rest of the cycle training twice.

Number of repetitions of training items, number of rest groups

Traditional sit-ups * (traditional sit-ups)

1 2–15 None1

Pulse quickens. 12 None 1

Saxon lateral bend? 6- 10, no 1

Side bridge? Each side 1 or 2

None 1

Reverse sit-ups * (back stretching) 1 2–15 None1.

Squat10–12 for 30 seconds.


Bench press) 10 30 seconds 2

Pull-down) 10 30 seconds 2

Sit and lift barbell (Military Press) 10 30 seconds 2

Vertical platoon) 10 30 seconds 2

Triceps Push Down10–12 30 seconds 2

Leg stretch in sitting position10–12 30 seconds 2

Boom bending lifting barbell (biceps bending) 10 30 seconds 2

Leg bending in prone position10–12 30 seconds 2

Thursday (optional):

Simple cardio-pulmonary training, such as walking.

(30 minutes, fast)


Emphasize the whole body strength training of the legs.

Complete all cycle training twice.

Number of repetitions of training items, number of rest groups

Squat10–12 for 30 seconds.


Bench press) 10 30 seconds 2

Pull-down) 10 30 seconds 2

Positive pressure leg (travel lunge)? 10–12 30 seconds each.

Sit and lift barbell (Military Press) 10 30 seconds 2

Vertical platoon) 10 30 seconds 2

Step by step? 10–12 30 seconds each.

Triceps Push Down10–12 30 seconds 2

Leg stretch in sitting position10–12 30 seconds 2

Boom bending lifting barbell (biceps bending) 10 30 seconds 2

Leg bending in prone position10–12 30 seconds 2

Saturday (optional):

Emphasize the intermittent running of abdominal muscles.

Complete a set of abdominal muscle training, and then choose an interval run that we recommend.

Number of repetitions of training items, number of rest groups

Traditional sit-ups

1 2–15 None1

Bend your legs and lift your knees 12 None 1.

Oblique v-up 6–1 0 No1on each side.

Bridge 1–21.

Extension 1 2–15 None1.

Rest on Sunday