Senior one English needs two complete word lists.

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Acaso is a teacher in Europe and America, and her pronunciation is very standard. 100% of foreign teachers hold TESOL and other international English teacher qualification certificates. With high cost performance, each class does not exceed that of 20 yuan.

A complete list of English essential words for Senior One students is as follows:

Unit 1


Relics and relics; Ruins; historical remains

Rare and rare; Rare; valuable

Valuable; valuable

Survived; Survival; survive

Vase vase; bottle

Dynasty dynasty; dynasty


Amber; Amber; amber

Looking for discovery

That's great. Create surprises; Surprised

Amazing amazing

Selection and selection; choose

Honey honey; honey

Design; Design pattern; Imagine. Design; Plan; consider

Fantasy; Strange; Strange. Imagination; Hypothesis; avocation

Stylistic style; Mode; type

Decoration; decorate

Jewelry; A carved gem

Artists. Artists.

Belong to vi. Belong to; Be a member of ...

Belong to

In return; pay back

Troop group; Group; army

Reception reception; Reception; receive

War is war.

Remove the movement; leave


Wooden is made of wood.

Doubt; Doubt; Doubt; Doubt. Doubt; do not believe

Mystery is mystery; Mysterious thing

Previous previous; late

It is worth preparing. Worthy; Worthy of; worthy of. Precious; valuable


Local local; local

Separate separately; singly


Painting painting; draw

Castle castle

Trial trial; Trial; test

Witnesses; witness

Evidence basis; evidence

Explosion explosion

Entrance entrance

Sailors, sailors; Seafarers; sailor

Sink. Sink; water channel

Maid girl; housemaid

Berlin Berlin (the capital of Germany)

Highly evaluate the value; speak highly of


Debate. The argument of intransitive verbs; debate

2 unit

Ancient; Ancient; Ancient

Competition vi. Competition; compete

Competitor, competitor

Participate; join

Medal n medal; Medal; medal

Representative representative; Symbol; express



Greek (human); Greek n; Greeks; Achaean

Magical; Witchcraft; Magic; charming

Volunteers; Voluntary ['obligatory] a. obligation. &; Intransitive verbs are voluntary.

Motherland and motherland; This/someone's country

Regular; Regular; Routine; traditional

Foundation; According to; according to

Athletes; athlete

Acknowledge; Admit. & intransitive verbs allow; Acknowledge; admit

Slave slave

Now; Today; at present

Gymnastics gymnastics; physical exercise

Competitive sports; track and filed; athletics

Stadium (large open-air stadium)

Gym gymnasium; fitness room

The same is true; Again; still

The host is the host; Sponsor; Entertain the host

Responsibility; Duties; accountability

Olive olive tree; Olive leaves; Olive branch; Chinese olive

Garland wreath; Corolla; ring

Replace vt. ; Replace; replace

Motto motto; Motto; maxim

Swift is fast; quick

Similar; similar point

Athens Athens (the capital of Greece)

Charge. & intransitive verbs charge; Charged expenses; Responsible/in charge

Charge supervisor; protective equipment

Physical; bodily

Fines; Fine. very good

Poster poster; poster;playbill

Advertising. & intransitive verb advertisement; notification


Glory is glorious; honour

Bargain. Bargaining; Bargaining; trade


If it is hopeless, it is hopeless; Desperate

Stupid; Stupid; foolish

Goddess goddess

Pain; painful

One by one; One by one.

Worth vi. & be (rewarded or punished); be worth

Knocker; Striker (in football)

Unit 3

Abacus abacus

Calculator, calculator

Personal computer; personal computing


PDA (personal digital assistant) handheld computer; personal digital assistant (PDA)


Calculation calculation

Universal; Universal; Universal; Ordinary

Simplification; Simplify.

Sum; Arithmetic problems; a sum of money

Operator (computer) operator; operator

Logical; reasonable

Logically logical; Logically; Systematically

Technical process; Technology; technology


Revolutionary revolution

Man-made; deceiver

Intellectual intelligence; Wisdom; intelligence

Clever; Clever; sapiential

Solve; explain


From ... from ... ...

Reality is real; Facts; reality

Designer. Designer.

Personal private ownership; Individuals; personal

Personally speaking; As far as I am concerned.

Tube; Tube; radio tube

Transistor transistor

Chip fragments; chip

as a result of

Total; The total number of the whole; total

Completely and thoroughly; from the higher levels to the grass roots

So ... that ... so ... that. ...

Network network; mesh

Web network

Application application; Use; apply for

Financial finance; Finance and economy

Movable; movable

Rocket rocket

Explore and explore; Probe the side; explore

Mars. Mars

In short (anyway) anyway; even so

Target target; Purpose; Target; Score (target)

Happiness; happy

Humans. Humans.

Supportive; Supported; Bearing-supported

Download download

Programmer programmer; Program arranger

Viral virus

Android robot

A signal that sends a signal.

Teammates and companions; partner

N type. & Typing

to some extent

Coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach

Appear; happen

With the help of ... ...


Appearance appearance; Appearance; appear

Character; trait

Mop, mop. Mop the floor; beat

Processing; Arrangement; deal with

Guard; Stay alert

Naughty; naughty

Niece niece

Spoil; Spoil. Damaged; corruption

Unit 4

wild animals

Protection protection

Habitat habitat

Threats; Threats. & intransitive verb intimidation; threaten

Reduce vi. & reduce; (make) smaller; Or less.

Endanger; Endanger. Harm; In danger


Loss; Loss; Lost; lose

Reserve reserve

Hunting. & intransitive verb hunting; Hunting; seek

Zone area; Area; region

In peace; In harmony; calmly

In danger; the disease has spread to the vital organs—be beyond cure/recovery

Category; kind

Carpet carpet

Response 6. Answer; Respond; reaction

A distant place; Fulani

Fur fur; Hair; fine hair

Antelope antelope

To relieve (pain or anxiety); Something to relieve pain.

Be relieved in relief; as if relieved of a heavy burden

Laughter; laugh

Burst into laughter.

Be merciful; Forgiveness; sympathize with

Determined by something; One; of course

Importance (gender)

Friction; Friction. Rub; difficulty

Protect ... from ... from ...

Mosquito mosquito


Cross insect

Containment; Contain. Contain; Accommodate; bear

Powerful; powerful

Influence; Influence. Influence; Moved; Invade/invade

Pay attention; Concern; Focus on strength

Pay attention.

Appreciate it; Gratitude; realize

Success vi. Inherit; Inherit. Take over; Take over a position

Rhino rhinoceros

Safe and reliable

Income income

Employment; Use (time, energy, etc).

Injury; Harm. Damage; harm

Bite; Bite; thorn/stab/stimulate/spy/assassinate

Extinction; withered

Dinosaur dinosaur

Form; Form; produce

County; County; county

Inspection and inspection; check

Unexpectedly; accidental

Accidental events; event

Dust; dust

According to; according to ...

Disappear [disappear]

Fierce; violent

In order to; result

Ending; End; final result

Faithfully; devotedly

Unit 5


Rolling; Roll. & intransitive verbs roll; Shake [cause] to shake; Volume; Rolling; bagel


Rap music

Folk ballads

Jazz jazz


Musician musician

A dreamy dream; Dream; imagine

Pretending; Disguised as

Tell the truth; Tell the truth.

Attach; Additional; connect

Think of (importance, significance); Attach; connect

Formal composition; Form; compose

Fame; fame; Fame and prestige

Passers-by; pedestrian

Earn; Earned; acquire

Extra extra supplementary

Perform a performance; Performance; carry out

Pub pub; bar

Cash. Cash.

Cash; Have cash

Studio studio; studio

Millionaire millionaire; billionaire

Make fun of

Actor actor; porter (at a railway station)

Dependence. Dependence; rely on

Dependence dependence; rely on

Broadcast. Intransitive verb & broadcast; broadcast

Humorous; Humorous

Familiar with; Common; Extremely intimate

Familiar/familiar; Start to know

Or something like that

Break up and break up; Split; dismantle

Attractive; attractive. attractive

Addition plus sign; Increase; add

In addition, in addition; also

Sorotte classification

Excitement is excitement; stimulate

Ballad; Love songs; folk song

At night; At night; Soon; suddenly

Dip; soak

Lili Lili

Self-confidence and confidence; convinced

Short and short; A brief summary; summary

Briefly; curtly

Input input; Love deeply

Later; Then; then

Invitation; Invitation; service

Beard beard

Sensitive; Sensitive; Fragile; sensitive

Painful; Painful; aching

The most important thing is: first,

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