Can I take vitamin C tablets and B2 tablets often?

You can't take vitamin C tablets and vitamin B tablets often, and taking them for a long time will have certain side effects on the human body.

The side effects of taking vitamin C tablets for a long time are as follows:

Side effects 1. If you take vitamin C tablets for a long time, it will cause excessive vitamin C to stay in the body, causing adverse reactions, such as diarrhea, hyperacidity and stones.

Side effect 2: Some people use vitamin C for a long time to enhance their immune function because of their poor long-term resistance and poor immune system. However, if they stop taking medicine one day, they will have loose teeth, bleeding gums and swelling and pain.

Third, if you take vitamin C tablets for a long time, it will cause thrombosis in human blood vessels, which will easily lead to stroke.

Side effect 4: If you take vitamin C in large doses for a long time, it will affect women's fertility and fetal development.

Side effect 5: If the daily intake of vitamins exceeds the prescribed amount, it will lead to diarrhea, because vitamin C will increase intestinal peristalsis.

The side effects of taking vitamin B tablets for a long time are as follows:

If you take vitamin B2 for a long time and take it in excess, it will have an important impact, which may cause itchy skin, paralysis, nosebleeds, tingling and other symptoms. At the same time, it will also reduce the effectiveness of human anticancer drugs.

Note 1: Generally, the intake of vitamin B2 required by human body is enough for adults to eat one or two animal livers, two soybeans, three lettuce and three or four mushrooms every day, so it is generally unnecessary to take extra vitamin B2 tablets.

Note 2: You should have a balanced diet and take a proper amount of vitamin B2 every day, which will be very helpful to your health. If vitamin B2 is deficient, it will also cause many diseases.

Note 3: You can eat animal liver, egg yolk, carrots, mushrooms, seaweed, celery, oranges, oranges and so on.

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