How many days should I lift weights a week?

How many days should I lift weights a week? I have been training for a year, and I am very serious. Do it six days a week, and it feels good so far. Should I only do it for five days?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggests that anyone who wants to do general health exercise should do strength training for major muscle groups at least twice a week.

In other words, lifting weights will destroy your muscles. They need to take a break between exercises to synthesize protein. During this time, they will become bigger and stronger than before.

The good news is that you can benefit from strength training without lifting your body to the point of severe pain.

Doing full-body exercise two or three times a week is a relatively fast and effective way of strength training.

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If you choose to do a single routine exercise and exercise different muscle groups on different days, so that each muscle group can get enough recovery time between exercises, you will spend more time in the gym-this is not something that everyone can do.

This option allows you to stay in the gym for six days a week with only one day off-so make sure you have gradually reached this type of exercise instead of jumping into this high-intensity plan.

You can combine partition exercise with whole body exercise, so that you can enjoy extra time in the gym and achieve the goal of exercising twice a week for each muscle group.

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Whether you do full-body exercises twice a week or do more intensive scattered exercises so that you can focus on different muscles every time you go to the gym, you should follow some basic principles of safe weight lifting: warm-up and relaxation.

Warm-up is simple, just do some lightweight weight lifting or aerobic exercise or a mixture of the two in the first 5 to 10 minutes, so that your body has time to gradually prepare for more intense exercise.

The principle of cooling is the same: first do moderate exercise for 5 to 10 minutes to give your body time to gradually transition to rest.

In the DHHS guidelines, besides strength training for major muscle groups twice a week to keep healthy, it is also recommended to do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise every week.

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