What equipment do girls usually go to the gym to practice? Need a tutor?

The purpose of girls going to the gym is nothing more than to lose weight and slim their waist, hips and shoulders.

Show your shoulders:

Dumbbell press, press above the head, and keep the forearm vertical to the ground all the time.

Pull down at a high position, open your hands as far as possible, keep your back straight, and lean back slightly during the pull-down process.


Squat, pay attention to the back straight, squat until the thigh is parallel to the ground.

Pull hard to keep your back straight.

Weight loss: First do the above strength training for about 20 minutes, and then run on the treadmill for about 20 minutes, the best weight loss effect.

Thin waist: when the body fat is reduced, the hips are raised and the shoulders are exposed, the waist naturally looks thin.

Of course, this is only a general plan and precautions, and there are more details to pay attention to, such as the details of squatting, even if it takes about 5 minutes to dictate, and there are more tips to improve the weight loss effect. You can read my personal letters. I brought some girls who lost weight and boys who gained muscle.