Are there any venues for badminton, table tennis or other sports in and around Bao Min Garden in Baoan District?

there are several

The nearest Wanghai Badminton Hall to Baodi is 27886922, and there are 2-3 red lights from Baodi to Shenzhen.

The telephone number of Nanshan Flower World Kunteng Arena is 26662555, which is also from Baoti to Baoan Avenue to Shenzhen. After passing the Xincheng checkpoint, you will see the sign of the North Ring Road, and you will get off at the right side of the interchange.

Baotian Badminton Hall, telephone 3366 1006, near Liutang Police Station.

But I don't know if it is near Bao Min Garden. Shenzhen is so big that I'm not from there. I don't know. I hope I can help you.

Jinhaiyang 006

My Taobao shop deals in sporting goods, ball games, recreational goods and children's sporting goods. Just opened, the price is favorable. Come in if you are interested ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~