What if the crotch is wet? What is the reason?

Wet crotch is now interpreted as a symptom of prostatitis. Because prostatitis itself can make the outside of scrotum moist.

Traditional Chinese medicine has different explanations for this disease. For example, if you go to see a Chinese doctor for this disease, he may tell you that you have kidney yin deficiency. However, western medicine believes that kidney yin deficiency is caused by prostatitis. If the diagnosis is more definite and specific, you have prostatitis.

If after checking the sperm function in semen, it is found that the sperm function activity is still ok, the treatment is not to say that there is no way. If the aggregation is very high or the prostate is very difficult to reach, it is more difficult to treat. However, in any case, a more suitable treatment for prostatitis will definitely improve your symptoms of premature ejaculation.

Generally speaking, if it is acute prostatitis or chronic prostatitis, its treatment design is our andrology hospital 15-20 days. Because this disease is chronic. Then after the treatment, the doctor will ask for a systematic examination to compare the clinical effects before and after the treatment. If the patient responds well to the drug and is more comfortable with this treatment, he may recover well within 15-20 days. If you have chronic prostatitis, you should find out which stage your chronic prostatitis is, and then treat it according to different people.