The training of endosperm morphology in three embryo types of human body and the sharing of diet methods!

Hello, I'm viceroy, a creator who shares fitness knowledge. I hope this issue will give you something.

The last stage talked about the diet of reducing fat, increasing muscle and shaping. This time, let's move on to the next topic. I will share it with you in three articles. In fitness training, some people are more talented than us. They lose fat faster, gain muscle faster, or are born slim and not easy to gain weight, even though their diet is the same as ours. So, why is this happening? In fact, at the moment of our birth, our genes have already decided what kind of figure we are. It may not be fair to us, but it doesn't matter. Knowing what kind of figure you belong to can also achieve the training goal quickly. Let's get to know each other.

According to scientific research, a person's figure can be divided into three embryo types (inner, middle and outer). Most people will not only have a single physique type, but will combine the two, which is biased.

Exoembryo, mesoembryo and endoembryo.

Characteristics of endosperm types:

Round face, short proportion of limbs, thick joints, wider hips than shoulders, short neck, generous chest, developed digestive organs, easy to gain weight and difficult to lose weight. Representative figure

Muscles in the human body can be divided into fast muscle fibers and slow muscle fibers, namely red muscle, and fast muscle fibers are white muscle. Different body types have different proportions of these two kinds of muscle fibers. Red muscle has strong endurance and weak strength, which is suitable for long-distance running, while white muscle is a combination of strength and explosiveness, but its endurance is insufficient, which is suitable for explosive sports such as weightlifting and sprint. Red muscle and white muscle can be adjusted by acquired training, but only part of them are born.

The proportion of red muscle in endodermal body is more than that in white muscle, so the decrease of white muscle and white blood cell will reduce immunity, and also reduce basal metabolism and new city metabolism. Compared with other two kinds of people, people with endoderm figure are more difficult to lose fat and tend to gain weight.

About training. It is necessary to train more white muscle fibers, choose the compound movements of multi-joint activities, train 8- 12 times in each group with heavy weights, control the interval within 1min, and increase the frequency of aerobic times, so that the aerobic time can be longer.

Above the diet, you need to pay more attention and eat less refined food. Protein is the main food. Protein's daily intake is in grams, and his current weight is kgx2. The absorption of protein per meal is around 30g, which is the upper limit. In addition, the absorption rate of food in the intestine is basically 30-50g, so the intake of carbon and water should be controlled. Carbon and water are not counted in the morning, and carbon and water can be selectively eaten for dinner. It takes time to calculate the intake of carbon and water according to your weight. Most people are not just a single physique type, they will combine the two, and they will be biased. So in the next issue, we will discuss mesomorphic patterns.

This is the endoderm data. I am the governor, a creator of sharing fitness knowledge. Thank you for reading.