How did the Tomb Raider 10th Anniversary Crawford Manor Gym get this ancient product?

First, find a mechanism to rotate the crossbar in the upper right corner of the figure, then find the grappling hook, use the grappling rope to jump backwards on the wall on the right side of the figure, jump over two inclined planes, grab the crossbar in the figure, and finally jump to the position in the figure.

If you don't understand, you can refer to the relevant raiders of Tomb Raider Chinese Station.

http://wiki . gmly . info/doku . PHP/% E5 % 8F % A4 % E5 % A2 % 93% E4 % B8 % BD % E5 % BD % b 1/% E5 % 9 1 % A8 % E5 % B9 % B4 % E7 % BA % AA % E5 % BF % B5/% E5 % 85% 8B % E5 % 8A % B3 % E9 % A6 % A5 % E5 % BA % 84% E5 % 9B % AD